A drivetrain system overhaul pushed our performance to the limits, netting us 2nd place at the Formula Hybrid competition, as well as earning us the IEEE Excellence in Electric Vehicle Design award for the 2nd year in a row.
President: Alex Ju '20
Alex is an Electrical Engineering major. He most recent work is as a software engineering intern at Microsoft, where he is working on the speech and language processing team.
WEIGHT: 561 LB (254 KG)
Accumulator capacity: 6.25 kWh
Accumulator weight: 80 lbs
Despite our previous performances at the Formula Hybrid competition, we felt that there was still room for improvement: to increase its acceleration, cornering, and endurance capabilities. The most significant improvements came from a complete rehaul of our drivetrain system, reducing the weight and volume of the components while also increasing the total power output of the system. We doubled the energy density of our accumulator by employing an entirely new 18650 Li-ion cell technology, while expanding from rear wheel drive to full four wheel drive using new, power dense in-hub motors with full regenerative braking. Improved motor controllers increased potential power output to 62 kW per motor, and the onboard control system was moved to a printed circuit board design. These improvements again earned us the IEEE Excellence in Electric Vehicle Design.
2019 Formula Hybrid Competition - Driver: Ethan Tyler